Fios naidheachd: Comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid gus ath-leasachadh air solar a sgrùdadh

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Deich bliadhna cha mhòr air adhart bho Achd Ath-leasachaidh an t-Solair (Alba) 2014, tha Comataidh aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba ag iarraidh faighinn a-mach a bheil na h-ath-leasachaidhean air lìbhrigeadh a rèir nan amasan aca. Thug Achd 2014 a-steach dleastanasan ùra air buidhnean poblach beachd a ghabhail air mar a dh’fhaodte an cuid solair a chleachdadh … Leugh an corr de Fios naidheachd: Comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid gus ath-leasachadh air solar a sgrùdadh

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Fios naidheachd: Beachdan gan sìreadh air eadar-gluasad cothromach dhan Ear-thuath agus do Mhoireibh

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Tha comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid ag iarraidh air a’ phoball an cuid bheachdan a thoirt seachad air dè an coltas a bu chòir a bhith air eadar-gluasad cothromach dhan an Ear-thuath agus do Mhoireibh.  Tha Comataidh Eaconamaidh agus Obair Chothromach Pàrlamaid na h-Alba ag iarraidh bheachdan a chluinntinn bho air feadh na sgìre gus an taic … Leugh an corr de Fios naidheachd: Beachdan gan sìreadh air eadar-gluasad cothromach dhan Ear-thuath agus do Mhoireibh

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Ath-bheothachadh nan Rathaidean-iarainn air faire an Èirinn?

Le alasdairmaccaluim

Chaidh sgrìobhainn gu math cudromach fhoillseachadh an-diugh: Lèirmheas Ro-innleachdail Uile-Èirinn airson Rathaidean-iarainn.

Chaidh seo a sgrìobhadh mar thoradh air aonta ann an 2021 eadar Riaghaltasan Poblachd na h-Èireann agus Èirinn a Tuath gus coimhead air rathaidean-iariann air feadh na dùthcha.

Stèisean Mòr-Shràid Bhictoria. Beul Feirste

Carson a bha feum air lèirmheas mar seo?

Ma choimheadas tu air mapa den lìonra rèile ann an Èirinn, chì thu carson. Seo 1920 an taca ri 2020. Chaidh tòrr rathaidean-iarainn a dhùnadh, a’ fàgail suideachadh far a bheil beàrnan mòra air a’ mhapa.

Tha an suidheachadh gu sònraichte dona ann an Èirinn a Tuath agus sa phoblachd faisg air na crìochan. Rinn dealachadh na h-Èireann ann an 1921 cron mòr air na loidhnichean a bha a’ dol tarsaing air a’ chrìch. Agus a bharrachd air seo, taobh a-staigh Èirinn a Tuath, cha robh an riaghaltas idir taiceil do rathaidean-iarainn co-dhiù agus dhùin iad a’ mhòr-chuid de na loidhnichean aca.

Ann an taobh deas na poblachd cuideachd, tha cha mhòr a h-uile loidhne a’ dol gu Baile Atha Cliath gun cheanglaichean gu leòr eadar bailtean eile air a’ chosta an iar.

Agus chan eil mòran trèanaichean dealanach ann nas motha – dìreach siostam DART ann am mòr-sgìre BAC. Chan eil na trèanaichean eadar-cathrach dealanach agus chan eil trèanaichean dealanach sam bith ann an Èirinn a Tuath. Chan eil ceanglaichean matha ann leis na puirt-adhair nas motha.

Tha an dà riaghaltas ag obair còmhla air an Enterprise – an trèana eadar Beal Feirste agus BÀC ach tha na trèanaichean sean is slaodach agus chan eil iad ro luath – no ro thric. Mar thoradh air seo, tha na h-àireamhan a tha a’ cleachdadh na seirbheis air a bhith a’ sìor chrionadh.

Seo mapa de na molaidhean a th’ anns an Lèirmheas ro-innleachdail.

Tha tòrr leasachaidhean air am moladh airson Uladh – an dà chuid ann an Èirinn a Tuath agus sa Phoblachd – bhiodh ceangal rèile aig Tìr Chonaill aon uair eile cho math ris an Omaigh, An Srath Bàn, Dún Geanainn, Àrd Mhacha, Muineachán is eile. (Chan eilear a’ moladh rathad-iarainn gu Fear Manach gu mi-fhortanach….)

Bhiodh ceanglaichean nas fheàrr eadar tuath agus deas air taobh an iar na dùthcha cuideachd.

Agus thathar a’ moladh stèiseanan aig Port Adhair na Sionainne, Bheul Feirste agus Bhaile Atha Cliath.

Chosgadh seo uile còrr is £30 billean ach is fhiach a h-uile sgillinn nam bheachd!

Ach mus dèanar adhartas leis a’ phlana lèirsinneach, ro-chudromach, feumar Seanadh agus Riaghaltas Èirinn a Tuath ath-steidheachadh.


Tadhail air Trèanaichean, tramaichean is tràilidhean

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Climate, Heritage, & Wellbeing Seminar

Le Gordon Wells

In the second Aire Air Sunnd July webinar a fresh panel discusses “Climate Change, Heritage, and Wellbeing”. This follows on from the previous week’s discussion of the not unrelated topic of Mapping Placenames & Stories of North Uist.

Followers of Island Voices will recall that earlier discussion in the CEUT Gaelic group addressed the theme of coastal erosion in a historical context, with mentions of stories of the last person to walk from Heisgeir to North Uist as well as the no longer evident Baile Siar to the west of today’s Baile Sear. The retention of CEUT chair Uisdean Robertson on the panel from last week provides continuity in this regard, while project officer Sharon Pisani reprises the role of webinar chair.


Here’s some of the CEUT description of the webinar from their Facebook page:

“From the shores of North Uist to the tropics of Barbados and the arid landscapes of Somalia, the relentless grip of climate change threatens to erode not only our natural world but also the invaluable heritage that binds us. As rising sea levels and extreme weather events encroach upon our most cherished sites, it is a stark reminder that safeguarding our shared history is intertwined with preserving our planet’s delicate equilibrium….
Book your ticket on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link:
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discuss North Uist’s heritage and climate effects.”

Tadhail air Island Voices – Guthan nan Eilean

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Aire air Sunnd: Digital Support

Le Gordon Wells

This week the St Andrews team of Alan Miller and Sharon Pisani completed the round-up and review of the Aire air Sunnd survey and activities, following on from Jess Wood and Gordon Wells. Their specific focus was on “Digital use and activities”, presented online again and available to view on YouTube.

These YouTube screenshots will give a quick impression of the range of topics covered: from digital accessibility in the North Uist community, through use of social media, special areas of interest such as Gaelic place names and climate change issues, and on to forthcoming events and ongoing needs – including further guidance on digital opportunities and potential.

Digital Access

Social Media

Placenames etc

community concerns

Digital support

The screenshots give a taste. The “full meal” is available here:

That’s the fourth video in the series of reports – all gathered together on this CEUT YouTube playlist:

Tadhail air Island Voices – Guthan nan Eilean

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Bye-bye Twitter widget!

Le Gordon Wells

TwitterFeedIsland Voices is still on Twitter. You can follow us here.

But in the tech world relationships are moving on, such that Twitter and WordPress evidently no longer retain the same mutually supportive understanding they previously enjoyed.

So, rather than keep this strange new message in the Island Voices sidebar, we’ve decided to remove the link that would take you straight to our Twitter account, for the time being at least. Perhaps a new understanding will be reached in due course.

We’ll keep tweeting – and re-tweeting – in the meantime. If you don’t yet follow us on Twitter, you might like to take a look. The interests we share there are broader than just our own productions, while retaining a language and Hebridean focus – and a serenely cordial tone! 

Twitter banner

Tadhail air Island Voices – Guthan nan Eilean

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Fios naidheachd: Comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid a’ cur air bhog rannsachadh air seasmhachd ionmhas poblach na h-Alba

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Tha comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid air rannsachadh a chur air bhog mu sheasmhachd ionmhas poblach na h-Alba. Tha Comataidh an Ionmhais agus Rianachd Phoblaich ag ràdh gun dèan iad sgrùdadh air a’ chuideam sa gheàrr-ùine agus san fhad-ùine a tha air planaichean cìse is caiteachais Riaghaltas na h-Alba ann an 2024-25 agus às dèidh … Leugh an corr de Fios naidheachd: Comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid a’ cur air bhog rannsachadh air seasmhachd ionmhas poblach na h-Alba

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Fios naidheachd: Pàrlamaid gus Coimiseanair Fiosrachaidh ùr na h-Alba ainmeachadh

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Thèid cuireadh a thoirt do Phàrlamaid na h-Alba nas fhaide air an t-seachdain seo gus Dàibhidh Hamilton ainmeachadh gu A Mhòrachd an Rìgh airson dreuchd Coimiseanair Fiosrachaidh ùr na h-Alba. Beachdaichidh a’ Phàrlamaid air gluasad aontachaidh airson Mgr Hamilton a chur an dreuchd air Diciadain 28 Ògmhios. Tha dùil gun lean Mgr Hamilton Darren Fitzhenry … Leugh an corr de Fios naidheachd: Pàrlamaid gus Coimiseanair Fiosrachaidh ùr na h-Alba ainmeachadh

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2023 an t-Iuchar: “Cobbler” Shùbhan-làir agus Rùbraib / July: Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler

Le seaboardgàidhlig

“Cobbler” Shùbhan-làir agus Rùbraib / Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler

(Taing dhan Naidheachd Againne, iris den Chomunn Ghàidhealach Ameireaganach airson cead an reasabaidh seo a chleachdadh, agus gu h-àraidh do Janice Chan airson a cho-roinneadh!)

Chan eil rud sam bith nas fheàrr na blas sùbhan-làir agus rùbraib le chèile. Gabh tlachd air seo nuair a tha e caran blàth, le reòiteag!

Grìtheidean airson an lìonaidh-mheasan

6 cupan rùbraib, air a ghearradh ann am pìosan garbh
3 cupan sùbhan-làir, slisnichte
1 1/4 cupan siùcair
3 spàintean-bhùird min-fhlùir
1 1/2 spàintean-tì caineil
1 1/2 spàintean-tì rùsg orainseir, sgrìobte gu mìn

Grìtheidean airson aʼ mhullaich

1 1/3 cupan min-fhlùir
3 spàintean-bhùird min-choirce
3 spàintean-bhùird siùcair
1 1/2 spàintean-tì pùdair-fuine
1 1/2 spàintean-tì sòda-fuine
1/4 spàin-tì salainn
3 spàinteain-bhùird ime, fionnaraichte
1 chupa bainne (no blàthach)

1. Teasaich an àmhainn gu 400°F.
2. Ann am bobhla mòr, measgaich le chèile na grìtheidean tioram airson aʼ mheasgachadh de mheasan (siùcar, min-fhlùir, caineal). Cuir an rùbrab, na sùbhan-làir agus an rùsg orainseir anns aʼ bhobhla agus cuir mun cuairt iad gu socair gus am bi na measan còmhdaichte gu math. Sgaoil am measgachadh gu cunbhalach air soitheach-fuine meud 13 òirlich x 9 òirlich. Bruich seo ann an àmhainn aig 400°F fad 10 mionaidean. Cuir seo an dàrna taobh.
3. Ann am bobhla mòr, measgaich le chèile grìtheidean airson aʼ mhullaich thioraim (min-fhlùir, min-choirce, siùcar, pùdar-fuine, sòda-fuine agus salann). Cleachd do
chorragan no dà sgian gus an t‑ìm a mheasgachadh a‑steach gus am bi e coltach ri peasairean beaga.
4. Cuir am bainne ris (no am blàthach) agus cuir mun cuairt e gus am bi an taois maoth. Leag le spàintean-bhùird den taois tuiteam air aʼ mheasgachadh de mheasan teth.
Bruich seo ann an àmhainn aig 400°F fad 25 mionaidean no gus an èirich e agus tha e donn-òir.
5. Leig leis fuarachadh. Bidh na measan nas tighe nuair a tha e nas fhionnaire.


Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler

(Thanks to Janice Chan and An Naidheachd Againne, magazine of the An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach, for permission to use this.)

Thereʼs nothing better than the taste of strawberries and rhubarb together. Enjoy this when itʼs a bit warm, with ice cream!

Ingredients for Filling

6 cups coarsely chopped rhubarb
3 cups sliced strawberries
1 1/4 cup sugar
3 tbsp flour
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp orange zest

Ingredients for Topping

1 1/3 cup flour3 tbsp rolled oats
3 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3 tbsp chilled butter
1 cup milk (or buttermilk)

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
2. In a large bowl, combine dry filling ingredients (sugar, flour, cinnamon). Add the rhubarb, strawberries and orange zest, and toss well. Spread the mixture in a 13″ x 9″ baking dish and bake in a 400°F (c. 200°C) oven for 10 minutes and then put aside.
3. In a large bowl, combine flour, oats, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Using fingers or two knives, cut in butter until mixture resembles small peas.
4. Stir in the milk or buttermilk with a fork just until a soft dough forms. Drop by
tablespoons on top of the hot fruit filling. Bake in a 400°F (c. 200°C) oven for 25 minutes or until the topping is golden brown and has risen.
5. Allow to cool before serving. The filling will firm up when cool.

Cup measurements: If you don’t have one of these bunches of scoops for measuring in American cups, just use any container that holds 250 ml liquid instead (= 1 cup), for wet and dry ingredients. There’s also a conversion tool here:

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Recording Community Conversations

Le Gordon Wells

AASReviewImageFollowing on from the North Uist “Wellbeing” survey, Gordon Wells this week reviewed the Island Voices contribution to the Aire air Sunnd project led by Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath.

Adopting a slightly different format to Jess Wood’s presentations last week, Gordon speaks to camera on Zoom while screen-sharing key points from the Island Voices Aire air Sunnd webpage. Speaking in Gaelic he reinforces the point that using this language does not exclude non-speakers or early learners, given the multilingual technical resources that are now available online.

His video recaps the various recordings that have been created for the project in the past year or so, including the “Gaelic Crisis” presentation, and the Progress Report, as well as the recording sessions with community members covering storytelling, artefact description, and environmental issues. In so doing, it also shows how the YouTube subtitling and auto-translation functions can be put to effective use, and includes a quick demonstration of the Clilstore platform too, while emphasising the alternative effectiveness of recorded speech in a world where written communication is often taken for granted as the default norm.

Summing up, Gordon stresses the untapped value of various recording collections (in addition to Island Voices’ own), noting in particular how open resources such as Tobar an Dualchais have the potential to bring present and past communities together in a new manner to support North Uist cultural wellbeing, offering innovative ways of forward-looking engagement with the island’s Gaelic heritage so positively valued by all. At the same time, it needs to be recognised that community-wide engagement in such activity is dependent on community-wide comfort with the new digital tools that enable it. This is probably an area of work that needs closer attention.

Here’s Gordon’s talk on YouTube:

You can get a wordlinked transcript, with the video embedded, in this Clilstore unit:

Tadhail air Island Voices – Guthan nan Eilean

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