Peadar agus Pàdraig

  • Learning curve in St Petersburg
    by eilidhco on Dia, 28 Gearr 2013 at 10:13f

    In the first week in St.Petersburg I learnt a few things, mostly the hard way! • Don't assume that the toilet can handle normal toilet functions. • Just because it looks like the free bus you got on earlier doesn't mean it's free. The driver will most likely say nothing at the time, then stop a little down the road to shout at you for not paying. • It's perfectly possible to spread cream cheese with the end of your toothbrush but given that it costs ...

  • St Petersburg
    by eilidhco on Dia, 28 Gearr 2013 at 10:11f

    Tha mi nis air a bhith air ais san Ruis fad seachdainn gu leth. Tha mi a' fuireach ann am Baile Naomh Phàdraig an turas seo, a' teagasg agus ag ionnsachdh ruiseanais aig an aon àm. Bith mi an seo airson na coig miosan a tha ri thighinn. ...

  • New Year
    by eilidhco on DiL, 18 Gearr 2013 at 7:28f

    Tha mi'n dòchas gun robh deagh saor-laithean aig a h-uile duine. Bith mi air ais san Ruis an ceann seachdainn neo dha le barrachd sgeulachdan. ...

  • Russian fashion
    by eilidhco on Dia, 15 Samh 2012 at 11:37f

    Girls in Russia like to dress up. And not just for a night out. With three men for every woman competition is tough. Even with the horrendous state of roads and pavements, high heels are in! So I decided to join them. I bought some fairly sensible high heel ankle boots with a fair amount of pointing, nodding and smiling. Only three weeks in to my stay here and I hadn't quite figured out the whole shopping thing. ...

  • Turas gu Cisi (Кижи)
    by eilidhco on Dia, 25 Dàmh 2012 at 9:41f

    'S e eilean beag am meadhan loch Onega a th' ann an Cisi. Air an eilean tha cruinneachadh de dachaidhean traidiseanta (dacha) agus eaglaisean, uile air an deanamh a-mach ath fiodh. Chaidh sinn ann bho chionn mios, nuair a bha an t-sìd' fhathast math gu leoir airson dol ann. Chosg na tiocaidean corr is 50 not, airson tùras a mhair uair gu leth. Mholainn dhuibh gum a bhith g' òl an oidhche roimhe. Chan eil tineas mara air ...

  • Na tha ri fhaicinn ri taomh Loch Onega 2
    by eilidhco on DiS, 6 Dàmh 2012 at 6:50f


  • Na tha ri fhaicinn ri taomh Loch Onega
    by eilidhco on DiC, 26 Sult 2012 at 9:16f


  • Wedding bells
    by eilidhco on DiD, 23 Sult 2012 at 9:04f

    I sat down to have a cup of tea with my host. She asked if I'd seen the wedding down by the lake. We chatted a bit about the cars, horses and outfits. So far a perfectly normal conversation. She then asked when my boyfriend and I planned to get married. Baring in mind that I had only known her for a week I should have been fairly shocked. Luckily I had been warned about the likelihood of being asked ...

  • Dìnear san Ruis
    by eilidhco on DiD, 23 Sult 2012 at 9:03f

    Air an dàrna là san Ruis ghabh sin dìnear còmhla ris an teaghlach. Shuidh sinn sios aig bòrd lan buntata, glasraich le salainn, balgam buarach agus feoil air choireigin. Thoisich sinn ag ith' 's an sin thug an duine a-mach botail vodka. Chuir e mach gloinnichean sugh, 's an sin chuir e mach gloinnichean airson vodka. Bha gloinnichean diofaraichte aig na boireannaich. Dhoirt e mach gloinne vodka an t-aon. Innsidh mi dhuibh an dràsda nach ainne dha na Ruiseanaich ...

  • Introduction and Arriving in Russia
    by eilidhco on Dih, 14 Sult 2012 at 12:40m

    'S mise Eilidh Oliver 's tha mi a' cuir seachad bliadhna san Ruis mar phairt de ceum ann an Cànan agus Cultair an Ruis. Tha mi'n dràsd' a' fuireach ann am Baile Factoraidh Pheadar (Petrozavodsk) 's bith mi ann am Baile Naomh Phàdraig as deidh na Bliadhn' Ùr. My name is Eilidh Oliver and I'm spending a year in Russia as part of my degree in Russian Studies. I am currently living in Petrozavodsk and will be in St.Petersburg after New ...