Rudy’s Rants

  • Ann an Àite Nach Eil na Àite
    by admin on DiS, 15 Màrt 2014 at 11:14f

    вик услуги’S ann o chionn fhada a bha e nam inntinn an sgeulachd seo a chur air mo bhlòg, ach tha mi gu math slaodach, a reir choltais. Sgriobh mi ann an 2004 e. Bhuannaich mi duais leis cuideachd – sgoilearachd gu cursa goirid aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig – ann am Mòd puist ACGA. Ach [...]

  • Visit with Cecil & Sue Ramsey, Kansas City
    by admin on DiD, 22 Iuch 2012 at 5:09m

    зъбни импланти[After a long dormant period, I'm going to try to get back to actively posting in this blog.] We had a very nice trip to Kansas City, July 19-21, 2012, to visit my aunt and uncle, Cecil and Sue Ramsey, and their family. Cecil’s health is a bit fragile at age 87, and Sue, [...]

  • Melba King Celebrates 100th Birthday!
    by admin on Dia, 2 Gibl 2009 at 10:27f

    иконописПодарък икона viagra online Payday loans [This is a brief article I submitted to the Ada Evening News, the local paper in my aunt Melba's home town. I also included the two "bookend" photos below, which I think illustrate in an interesting way how long she's been a part of our family. And I was [...]

  • Finding William and Sarah Ramsey
    by admin on DiC, 26 Samh 2008 at 5:32f

    [This article is reprinted from my Ramsey-Farrell Family History Newsletter of November, 2003. A recent trip to Kennesaw Mountain has motivated me to post this article in the blog. In any case, future such articles will almost surely be posted here, rather than printed as a hardcopy newsletter. We've actually made a little further progress [...]

  • There’s Good News, and Bad News, and…
    by admin on Dia, 14 Gearr 2008 at 7:16m

    Well, the best news is that nobody was hurt when (this is the worst news) my trusty Acura TL bit the dust: I was off in Scotland last September and called home to learn that I didn’t have a car any more. My son Devin had borrowed the car (with permission) when his car was [...]

  • Carlos Joins the Ramsey Racers
    by admin on DiM, 1 Faoi 2008 at 12:37m

    Around September, I bought a go-kart for our grandson, Carlos, so he could join Devin and me in autocross racing. He hasn’t had very many opportunities to drive it yet, since he started just at the end of our regular summer series, but he’s having a good time. And we’re very much enjoying having him [...]

  • Pretty Tamper Arrives in Parker!
    by admin on DiD, 5 Lùna 2007 at 5:31m

    I’ve been looking forward for some time to receiving a very special piece of coffee-making equipment — my new olivewood Thor Tamper. These tampers are custom made by Les Albjerg, and can be found at Well, it arrived yesterday, and I’ve been really enjoying it. I like its look, its feel, and the tamp [...]

  • Sgeulachd Bheag, Poileataigeach
    by admin on Dia, 12 Iuch 2007 at 5:40m

    Chunnaic mi an sgeulachd seo ann an litir “chain” a fhuair mi mar post-dealain (‘sa Bheurla) an-uiridh. Smaoinich mi gun robh e gu math èibhinn (ach is docha gu bheil am poileataics agaibh eadar-dhealaichte ). Rinn mi eadar-theangachadh, agus dh’innse mi an sgeulachd aig tachartas Gàidhlig no dhà. Tha an sgeulachd sgriobhte fon-a-seo, ach nach [...]

  • Johnston Canyon Trail
    by admin on DiC, 11 Iuch 2007 at 5:09m

    The most beautiful hike (of five) that Alice and I took on our recent Pacific Northwest vacation was the Johnston Canyon Trail in Banff National Park, in Alberta, Canada. After returning home, I noticed that this hike is listed in one of our tour guides as one of the six best hikes in British Columbia [...]

  • Mu mo Dheidhinn, ‘s mo Bhlog
    by admin on DiC, 4 Iuch 2007 at 4:29m

    Is mise Rudy Ramsey. Tha mi a’ fuireach ann am Parker, Colorado, anns na Staitean Aonaichte. Thoisich mi air Gàidhlig ionnsachadh o chionn mu dheich bliadhna. Tha coimhearsnachd bheag de luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ann an-seo, agus innsidh mi dhuibh mu a deidhinn uaireagan. Thug mise ‘s mo bhean turus a dh’Alba dhuinn fhìn ann an [...]