Gaelic word of the Week blog – Mun Cuairt mun cuairt! #gaidhlig

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Each week we record our Gaelic Word of the Week podcast and post the text here with added facts, figures and photos for Gaelic learners who want to learn a little about the language and about the Scottish Parliament – Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. This week our word is – Mun cuairt mun cuairt! If you are … Leugh an corr de Gaelic word of the Week blog – Mun Cuairt mun cuairt! #gaidhlig

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Gaelic Word of the Week – North East Fife – Fìobh an Ear Thuath

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

This week we’re going back to Fife – Fìobha, often known as the Kingdom of Fife – Rìoghachd Fhìobha. The word rìoghachd is often used in Gaelic to mean “country” as well as kingdom and you will often hear native Gaelic speakers say “an rìoghachd” as well as “an dùthaich” to mean “the country”. This … Leugh an corr de Gaelic Word of the Week – North East Fife – Fìobh an Ear Thuath

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Gaelic Cheat sheet for International Mother Language day #gàidhlig #idml2022

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

This week we have a special guest blog for International Mother Language Day from our new and multilingual colleague Wacera Kamonji who has created a Gaelic cheat sheet for those wishing to learn a little Gaelic for International Mother Language Day. Hello, my name is Wacera Kamonji and I have recently joined the Scottish parliamentary … Leugh an corr de Gaelic Cheat sheet for International Mother Language day #gàidhlig #idml2022

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Gaelic Word of the Week – election – taghadh

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Each week we publish the text of our Gaelic Word of the Week podcast here with added facts, figures and photos for Gaelic learners who want to learn a little about the language and about the Scottish Parliament – Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. This week our work is Election – Taghadh. Next Thursday is an important day … Leugh an corr de Gaelic Word of the Week – election – taghadh

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Gaelic Word of the Week – St Patrick’s Day

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Each week we publish the text of our Gaelic Word of the Week podcast here with added facts, figures and photos for Gaelic learners who want to learn a little about the language and about the Scottish Parliament – Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. This week we are looking at St Patrick’s Day. Next Wednesday, the 17th of … Leugh an corr de Gaelic Word of the Week – St Patrick’s Day

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Gaelic Word of the Week – St Bridget’s Day

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Each week we publish the text of our Gaelic Word of the Week podcast here with added facts, figures and photos for Gaelic learners who want to learn a little about the language and about the Scottish Parliament – Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. This week we are looking at St Bridget’s day. The 1st of Febuary … Leugh an corr de Gaelic Word of the Week – St Bridget’s Day

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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Ath-bheothachadh ann an Àfard? #gaidhlig

Le alasdairmaccaluim

Tha iomairt a’ dol air adhart aig an àm seo gus Rathad-iarainn Srath Àfard (Alford Valley Railway) ann an Siorrachd Obar Dheathain ath-fhosgladh.

’S e rathad-iarainn caol-ghèidse a tha seo a tha a’ ruith bho sheann stèisean a’ bhaile tro raon goilf a-steach gu pàirc.

Stèisean Àfard, 2011

Tha an loidhne, a tha mu mhìle a dh’fhaidte, a’ tòiseachadh ann an stèisean a’ bhaile ach, an àite a bhith a’ dol air làrach na seann loidhne a dhùin ann an 1965, tha i air slighe gu tur ùr.

Dh’fhosgail an rathad-iarainn ann na 1980 agus thadhail mi air aon turas air ais ann 2011. ‘S e loidhne àlainn a th’ ann le seallaidhean brèagha agus tha i ri taobh Taigh-tasgaidh Còmhdhail Roinn a’ Mhonaidh cuideachd.

Nuair a chaidh mi ann, ge-tà, bha an loidhne ann an droch staid le lusan a’ fàs tron trac agus bha e follaiseach gun robh beagan TLC a dhìth air an loidhne. Smaoinich mi aig an àm gur dòcha nach maireadh an loidhne ro fhada – agus cha robh mi fada ceàrr oir dhùin i ann an 2017.

Gu fòrtanach, tha companaidh coimhearsnachd air an loidhne a ghabhail thairis agus tha iad air iomairt maoineachadh sluaigh a chur air bhog gus an stèisean a sgeadachadh. Gur math a thèid leotha!

Seo bhidio a thog mi den loidhne air ais ann an 2011


Tadhail air Trèanaichean, tramaichean is tràilidhean

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Gaelic Word of the Week – Rùn na Bliadhna Ùire #gàidhlig

Le Oifigear Gàidhlig

Every Friday, you can learn a little both about Gaelic and about the Scottish Parliament through our Gaelic Word of the Week – a mini podcast on Soundcloud. This week our word of the week is Rùn na Bliadhna Ùire – new year’s resolution. And this year our new year’s resolution it to post the … Leugh an corr de Gaelic Word of the Week – Rùn na Bliadhna Ùire #gàidhlig

Tadhail air Blog Pàrlamaid na h-Alba

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