Aire air Sunnd: Digital Support

Le Gordon Wells

This week the St Andrews team of Alan Miller and Sharon Pisani completed the round-up and review of the Aire air Sunnd survey and activities, following on from Jess Wood and Gordon Wells. Their specific focus was on “Digital use and activities”, presented online again and available to view on YouTube.

These YouTube screenshots will give a quick impression of the range of topics covered: from digital accessibility in the North Uist community, through use of social media, special areas of interest such as Gaelic place names and climate change issues, and on to forthcoming events and ongoing needs – including further guidance on digital opportunities and potential.

Digital Access

Social Media

Placenames etc

community concerns

Digital support

The screenshots give a taste. The “full meal” is available here:

That’s the fourth video in the series of reports – all gathered together on this CEUT YouTube playlist:

Tadhail air Island Voices – Guthan nan Eilean

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